Friday, January 23, 2009

Hello..long time no update.Sorry for being late..for those who read my blog...(about 11 people.)
So..what exactly happened this ask??????!!!!!
Hmm...well..since I can't remember..I'll just tell what happened today.Which is Friday.
At Cf,that's Christian 'Feilowship' for short..we had games..about..Hmm..Well..they gave us a string..(yeah string..) And told us to protect it with all our lifes.Yeah I know that's crazy..but it's still a STRING.So..if our group gets a red mark on it..its the end.Before the game started..Esther (that's the games leader) told us that there would be someone in the group..which would cause us to stumble and fall..blah blah blah..but we didn't listen.After all..who would want to listen to a 'Senior Citizen' (lol) tell a tale of Instructions?
After she had finished explaining..our group rushed out of the door..went to the computer lab..and guess what was our first job?2000 sit ups..or push up..I really don't know what to call it.After 300,our leader (at least..we thought she was) said.."Hai yoh..can't do any more! Too tired.Why don't we just quit lah?"
And being the doughnuts we were at that point of time..we just said,"Okay lah."Moreover..we were soooo...tired..
After that,even worse!Thank Goodness I didn't have to eat it..Well I'll tell you what it is..Marshmallow (mmm) with Sambal! Yeah..I know.Hot and Spicy.Really.And,the marshmallow..being the absorber it is..soaked up all the sambal..and it tasted very disgusting.Well..that's what my leader said.*shudder* I know..I mix some foods together and they seem disgusting sometimes..but this is far beyond.Although I think I'll come up with a better one sooner or later..and then..the *almost* worst part of all..though our team was the first one to finish..we were disqualified for having the mark on our string..*sigh*
Yeah! Finally almost finished.At Chinese time..since teacher came late..she taught us how to sing the Chinese new Year song.Being bananas,we could only remember the chorus..
Happy Chinese new year to all..and remember..Stay under the Speed limit !!

Friday, January 9, 2009

School again..

Sigh.. back to school! it's been a week.. and since I'm confident..well maybe too confident.. no-one will read this blog.. I should straightaway tell what's up.and for the last time.. it's not the sky!!!
So.. I met new into trouble.. apologised to into more trouble.. nearly got sent to the principal's office..(thank goodness!) and got into trouble.. again.
You really thought that happened? Well.. for starters.. No!!! Since I'm your normal average joe.. what could go wrong? You think the sky would just fall down? A chicken would land on my head? Hello ..person. Normal average..lah.Can get away with almost anything.But I'd rather not.Ever since I bought a new PSP game..The Force Unleashed..(I'm sure you've heard of it..) I've been having thoughts before I do something wrong..God would just shock me with electricity and I'd be burnt to's good.Well..I guess another post might be next week..