Bibleland Bay..the boats and bubblewrap floor are fun..Pop! for fish..
Jesus said throw your nets and catch some fish..but Simon (Peter) and group were exhausted..but they still follow!Are you willing?First the person in charge (Aaron) put a cloth over all the paper fish so can't be caught.Onlt one or two fish..can you see?The pink one.Then after story he took away the cloth and got lots of fish.
Bibleland Bay.Nice ah?
Craftaway Cove..there's where Jolin helps.Aww I want to paint too!
Lorrenz..holding his 'fish'.He coloured it in Manchester United colours!!MU ROCKS!!!
Poster for VBS..I draw one.Mom and dad helped!With the extras and outline.It's quite tiring to colour the whole thing..DOUGHNUT!! REAL OR FAKE?!
And it has nothing to do with VBS,by the way. fingers and whole body are quite tired when I am typing this so there might be quite a lot of mispellings.. VBS...
Do the happy dance..people!!
Okayyy..enough of that.Update on my life!
As I said got VBS!!!
But had to wake up early..and that was a problem.
The night before..I had been chatting with my cousin..until about 10.50pm,and then Mom asked me to off the computer.So..I off la. usual time to sleep..especially since now is holiday around 12am.And my brain doesn't let me to sleep earlier.What to do?Wait until 12!Which seems like a really long time if you're not doing anything..believe me.
Aargh..seeing Lor sleeping so soundly makes me feel like I want to wreck him from the inside out.How come he gets to sleep..while I'm stuck here..doing nothing..waiting for time to pass?!
To tell you the truth..I don't know.
I finally got to sleep at around 12.
But the middle of the night..I woke up to go to the toilet.
Checked my phone time..around 3 in the morning.
I've only been sleeping for...3 hours?!
After I went to the began the same thing all over again.trying to get to sleep.
The next morning..
My phone alarm rang.
Aah..time to get up?at 6.45?
I've only slept like for..5 hours and a half?!
But then Mom called.
Joee,Lorrenz..go and bath!
It's 6.45 a.m.Do you know how cold the water is?And even if you on the'll only make you feel more sleepy?!
What to do?I bath with cold water la.
Yelling in the shower 'cos the water's so cold.
Erm..maybe I shouldn't have said that...
Now you lot think I'm crazy.
Or maybe it's too personal.
In the car..Mom had to fetch two girls who were also going for the VBS.
In the car..they were talking,whispering,laughing in CHINESE..which I can't understand a word of it.
At the VBS...
Still sleepy..walking into the sanctuary like a zombie..or a computer addict..or a half-cocked person..(not a bad word.)
Almost didn't realize uncle Francis calling me..
Then we (the whole group) pray together.
Resisted the urge to sleep..*THANK YOU JESUS!!!*
After that..(there are a lot of after thats because my english isn't so good..)
then I,Mom and Colin 'menguruskan' the registration dept.Except it wasn't so good..
Other than updating this blog I've been trying to download a song..except all came back as corrupted files.I prayed..and guess what?!Can download!Thank You God & Jesus!!
As I was wasn't so good.Kind of kesian Colin..Mom and I do the registration..ask them their name..some of them say so softly that I got to ask them to point out their name.
While Colin stuck there with giving out the nametags.
Okaylah..later you lot write in my Cbox that I shouldn't have done that or something.
So tomorrow..either me..or mom help him.Okay?
After distributing the tags..
then I go help out with the Surf Group.I didn't buy the shirt yet..but later mom bought.So tomorrow I'm gonna wear it.
Good thing dad bought all those beach shirts back from Canada..and it's green some more.
And moreover got the word 'surf' on it.The group name.
So what did we do? games..
There was one game..
there was a..
5 litre water bottle
4 balloons
3 chairs
a table
2 floats
a plate of ping pong balls
a guitar case
a styrofoam board
3 brooms
and one more I can't remember.
Rule of the game..
Each of the team members has to carry ONE item..(in the brooms and balloons and chairs and floats case its all at one time) to across the line..waaayyy over there.
Oh and I almost forgot.
One of the team members (one boy,one girl) has to carry one boy and one girl respectively.
So who carry and who is carried?
Rachel and Joshua
One girl..I forgot her name but she's the lightest..and Ian Yeo.
But in the end the other group won.Its just a game..
And arts and crafts.
Jolin's helping out there.I prefer to be the group least can do all the things..etc games..storytime..rather than just arts..or games..ex.
In one of the arts and crafts lessons..we had to make a jug.
By rule..or something like that..the guides can't help out..but they had extra so yay!i and Grace also do.
We made clay pots..out of paper clay.
It's basically just mushed up paper that's white and feels cold.
Mine look a bit cacat.
But what surprised me is Ben's one..he managed to make it so nicely that it could rival Michelle's one..she's one of the guides.
Then..for snacktime..we made milkshakes!
'Everyone say..milkshakes.'
But it was orange flavoured..huh?
I helped Ian (he's another Ian..also a guide) with making the shakes.
Except..when I was pouring the milk into the blender..then Joshua also help to hold the milk box..and one more the milk spill.and now everyone blame me.But it wasn't my fault!
Okaayyy..after we did the milkshakes..some of them were greedy and wanted some more..except they didn't drink it..
and I and Ian wanted it was quite sad to see it go to waste like that..
and no..we didn't drink it!
We managed to get some ice-cream though..
so all the groupies were jealous!Haha!!Have you ever seen little kids jealous?trust is kinda cute.
Well except that they're not little kids.We're talking about 10-12 year olds.
After preparing the snacks..I had nothing else to just walk around..helping others..
and then someone told me Anton and Andrea's team still have some leftover milkshake.
Except when I got there it was *gasp* GONE!!
But they told me Kevin still has some..a big jug of it.
So he poured 2 cups for me..and I share with Jolin since can't drink so much.
It tasted a bit weird..
because the orange is sour and the ice cream is sweet..
And after that close and go back home.
And my fingers are aching and I just want to go to bed.Too tired..I guess.
Oh well..that's all for today..
Friday, June 12, 2009
VBS!!!! YAY!!! Zzzzzzz......
Hearts from Jo3e She shared her thoughts on Friday, June 12, 2009
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