Saturday, August 29, 2009

Youth Of This City...touching lives and hearts.. (eww? hearts?!)

Made kuih yesterday..super nice!!!Except ate too many and felt a bit sick.

Sungai Kampung Iman..or something like that.You think it's dirty..don't you? isn't.It's actually VERY you can see the bottom is very sandy.

Chickens..and baby chickens!!Aww....

Another shot.Let's say 'Aww...' again...

Us..doing painting of the church..should put this in my kerja amal huh?

Forest.Lots of mosquitoes.Uhh... was on that rock for about half-an-hour...nice pose huh?

And...after the half-hour.

Chicken & baby...Aww!!

A PUPPY!! YAY!!! it was there..watching us...getting under out feet and what dogs's my substitute Crystal.. for the text.
We went to Mantin..for those who don't know where that's in Seremban.If you STILL don't know where THAT's in Negeri sembilan.If you STILL DON'T KNOW WHERE THAT IS...It's in MALAYSIA.AND IF YOU...hah..who am I kidding...GET A MAP.

Woke up EXTREMELY early..about 6.45....hey..I HAVE to wake up that early if i'm gonna be in time for school next year..
Considering the fact that I slept at 12 last night..what with the neighbour throwing a party or something and turning on the music extremely loud..

Carpooled in Andrew's car..
We told one-sentence stories to make the time pass...all except Patrick..who kept saying 'the end' when it was his turn 'cause he wanted to sleep..and Daryl (not that Daryl) who kept saying...'Hmm..let me think first.'
Because we went to a 'kampung...' Andrew said we had to practice our BM in the car first...'cause the Orang Asli (yes they're mordenized but still live in the kampung' english quite horrible or something ANYWAY I forgot what he said so MOVING ON.
So the challenge was...the whole story had to be in MALAY.
Well..I forgot parts...don't blame me if it isn't correct.


Andrew: Pada suatu hari...sekumpulan orang remaja daripada Gereja FCC pergi ke Mantin untuk mengecat Gereja Kampung Iman.

Daryl: Ahh...saya fikir dulu.

J-Anne: Tetapi...dalam perjalanan...mereka habis minyak petrol.

Me: Dan stesyn petrol yang terdekat 20 juta km lagi.

J-Mee: Joee,why so far one?That's another country!

Me: Ahh...erm...Patrick it's your turn!

Patrick: Jadi mereka tidak pergi.The End.

Andrew: Mereka berdoa..dan tiba-tiba kereta terbang...

Daryl: Dan mereka tiba di Mantin.

J-Anne: Daryl berasa sangat lapar..jadi dia makan kita semua.

Us: HUH?!

Me: Dan hantu kita 'haunt' Daryl dan dia how to say..Feel so annoyed dan terjun daripada bangunan.

Patrick: habis cerita..kita semua mati..The End.

J-Mee: can be so fast?Kita tiba di syurga...

Andrew: Tuhan kata...ini belum masa kita lagi...jadi kita bernyawa semula..

Daryl: tetapi..ini hanya suatu mimpi.


J-Anne: Kita berfikir...adalah ini mimpi suatu orang...atau mimpi kita semua?

Then we also talked about crap stuffs...
And about can see above.
We painted till our hands were sore...OWW!!
And my hands are now.
So I'll just type a bit more.

Went back home...ate wantan mee nearby...
Mom came late so waited in Andrew's car...that he borrowed from Ginie...
And finally Mom came.
And now I'm going to sleep.