Sunday, May 3, 2009

Eyewitness of the Exams Virus

Today,I recieved my church membership.
I will not be posting anything for a while due to a bad case of the 'Exams Virus' and will have to wait until the exams are over to be well again.I would have consulted a doctor,but they are all 10-year olds.Youngsters these days..*sigh*
Legend has it that the Exams Virus has a cure,created by the Orang Asli who live in the Homework Mountains.Luckily,we have Internet so it is very easy,just Google a cure for Exams Virus,or it's Latin translation..Examophobia.
I posted a cure so those of you can try it out for yourself..see if it works.

P.S. If it doesn't work..maybe it can make you feel better.

Exam Virus Cure

1 cup of sugar

2-and-a-half cups of homework

1 cup of sweat (I know it's gross,but it's for your own good)

A pair of wings from a Homework Fairy


1 cup of nerds

Pinch of anti-parent's nagging

Underwear slingshot (huh?)

How to make

Mix the sugar,homework and sweat together until even,or tiny little bubbles that have words in it appear.Bring to the boil over a low flame,constantly stirring with a pen.When it starts to smell really bad,or until your nose drops off from the stench,you know it's done.Leave it to cool,otherwise it will become a monster that gives you nothing but homework..then the cure is ruined.
When it has cooled down,pour into a bowl.Mix with the cup of nerds until well-mixed.Add pinch of anti-parent's nagging,or as much as you want to taste.Use underwear slingshot to fire an underwear into it.Keeps well in refrigerator for 2 months.
Note* -Nerds are available at your nearby medicine shop,and remember to pick the fresh ones.
-How to attract a Homework Fairy: Leave a Homework Tooth under your bed.